21 July 2009
Globalization, what it is and its cure
Remember the Bhopal tragedy? No aspersions on India but according to my understanding the politicians of India could not care less about the poor and the broken and the dispossessed in this Bhopal tragedy so that the concerned global corporation escaped with very little penalty and loss in spite of its criminal negligence giving rise to tens of thousands of dead, maimed, sickened, or made destitute or dispossessed from their polluted homes.
In the USA global banks and brokerages have taken the entire world on a junketeer. The USA government not only did not do anything significant at all to help recover the losses of the people caught in this mess in spite of admissions of guilt by these global companies, but actually bailed them out lock, stock and barrel! The reason is because the global corporations ensure their political and judicial clout and well-being by contributing to the election funds of those supposed to enact and dispense justice. In other words the USA leaders are as corrupt as any in the world, if not worse, since they do not need to be corrupt in order to live a reasonably good life with the salaries given to them by the state.
The only cure for the Third world is that there be international economic justice and that is not going to happen as long as there is military and economic muscle with lack of principle in a world where industrialized countries prefer to retain their hegemony at the expense of the poor and the downtrodden nations. Therefore, the Third world MUST group together and fight back militarily if need be against the destabilizing efforts of the Industrialized countries in the targeted Third world countries which have the huge strategic reserves of natural resources which the Industrialized world covets – and is unwilling to trade fairly for them.
Salim e-a Ebrahim
14 July 2009
The Israeli Defence Force (IDF)
By Gideon Levy
July 06, 2009 "Haaretz"
"Combat is the best, my brother," the famous bumper sticker reads. It's a good thing we have Shayetet 13. Operating at the crack of dawn - or was it before nightfall? - the daring naval commandos fearlessly took control of a rusty, rickety, unarmed boat bobbing in the middle of the sea. That's exactly why we have a naval commando force - to take control of ships offering humanitarian aid. Behold, the guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. The military correspondents reported on the incident with an amazement that only they can muster. But even they could not provide a fig leaf for the operation: The Israel Defense Forces has once again used its power to overcome the weak; the navy has once again acted like pirates. The Arion was abducted in the framework of protecting Israel's security for all eternity, blah, blah, blah.
Soldiers, journalists and news consumers automatically refrain from asking questions. The navy captured another ship carrying symbolic aid, as if its passengers were Somali pirates. These were people of conscience from various countries carrying toys and medicine.
This was not the navy's first daring operation of this kind, nor will it be the last. When there are no hostile aid ships on the horizon, the navy takes control of wretched Gazan boats, using water hoses or firing at its passengers - poor fishermen who only want to make a living at sea. This is the main activity unfolding off Gaza's shores. A navy outfitted with the best arsenal in the world is hunting surfboards. One of the best-armed forces in the world is chasing children, examining old people's documents and entering bedrooms to make arrests.
We ought to pay close attention to what preoccupies our military. While defense officials hold discussions on buying the F-35 combat jet at $200 million per plane, the IDF is mostly busy with miserable, pointless police work that befits an occupation army. It is engaged in ludicrous and useless policing in a "war" against people equipped with some of the most primitive weapons in the world.
In the dead of night, soldiers in elite and not-so-elite units break into the homes of Palestinians, some of whom are guilty of no crime, and needlessly awaken and frighten women and children. Their comrades spend their service standing at checkpoints, occasionally shooting and killing needlessly. Other soldiers chase after children throwing stones or Molotov cocktails and shoot at them. "A huge terrorist attack" that was thwarted near the security fence in Gaza a month ago was to be carried out by "a force" that numbered eight Palestinians, some of them mounted on mules. The mule-rider's brigade - these are the forces against us.
We saw it, of course, during Operation Cast Lead, the war that provoked almost no opposition. As reported last week by the U.S.-based Human Rights Watch, our drones bombed helpless Gaza residents, killing a few dozen, including children. Our jets and helicopters, among the most sophisticated in the world, are bombing residential neighborhoods. They may be preparing for an operation that fires the imagination in Iran, but meanwhile they are circling the Gaza sky as if it belonged to them.
If that were not enough, we now have the most advanced system of all: female soldiers who are lookouts trained to shoot live fire after completing "precedent-setting training." The army newspaper Bamahane reported it with great enthusiasm: "This is the first time female soldiers will shoot automatic gunfire from within a W.R., noted the C.O. of the T.B," whatever those initials mean. In simpler language, it means that 19-year-old girls are playing with joysticks in an air-conditioned room and "taking down" people.
This then is the great progress of the "people's army" to train women to kill, while their comrades, soldiers and Border Police, are routinely sent to shoot live fire at unarmed demonstrators at Bil'in and Na'alin. This, for the most part, is the IDF's balance sheet. This is what largely preoccupies the best, most moral army in the world. Pilots who have never fought in an air battle and soldiers with no army against them now spend most of their time maintaining the occupation in a kind of pathetic combat, and they are our protective shield.
When the day of reckoning comes, we will remember this.
© Copyright 2009 Haaretz. All rights reserved
07 July 2009
Autism and chronic diseases: gene modified primitive bacteria are the cause!
Autism and chronic diseases: gene modified primitive bacteria as contaminants in commercial vaccines are the cause!
Professor Garth Nicolson is a microbiologist and director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine in the USA. Gene modified primitive bacteria as contaminants in commercial vaccines and the injecting of multiple vaccinations especially at a young age, are the cause of autism and chronic diseases in human beings. This is the opinion of one of THE world’s foremost scientist. WHO IS ANYONE TO CHALLENGE THIS TRUTH DERIVED FROM THE LIFE WORKS OF SUCH MEN AS THESE? The corporate and government manipulators of truth do so for reasons to be explained below.
The US government does not require vaccine makers to test for, and remove, certain BIOLOGICAL contaminants known as “mycoplasma” the extremely dangerous gene modified primitive bacteria in commercial vaccines.
Because the vast majority of physicians are unaware of this common source of chronic illnesses, they do not test for the presence of these contaminant mycoplasma primitive bacteria injected into human beings via commercial vaccines. These contaminants create havoc in the health and quality of lives in that segment of the human population susceptible to these contaminants.
Professor Garth Nicolson is one of the WORLD’S foremost scientists who co-authored the science paper which holds the Classic Contents Citation record for a classic science paper, across all science disciplines, UP TO NOW, for: The Fluid Mosaic Model of the Structure of Cell Membranes by S. Singer and G Nicolson.
Here below is the link to the video of the part presentation made by Professor Garth Nicolson in the 9th Annual Conference of Common Cause Medical Research Foundation held from 29-31 August 2008 at Sudby, Ontario, Canada: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/659.html
Whereas WHO (World Health Organization) rests its case on the US Institute of Medicine’s 8th and Final Report of the Immunization Safety Review Committee dated February, 2004, Professor Nicolson’s presentation is not even a year old and his science based convictions have not changed ever since he discovered the link between these vaccine contaminants and their effect upon the molecular structures of the biological cell. He even informs us in the above-mentioned video that it is not beyond the US Government to collude with pharmaceutical corporations who had helped (and who may be needed again) in the development of weapons of biological warfare.
And here, for a kicker, is another report about secret guinea pig vaccines administered to US Marines, collusion between the military, the pharmaceutical corporations and the FDA (Food and Drugs Agency). As usual, the segment of the human population that does not have the immunity for such devious, experimental vaccines can be devastating AS IT WAS FOR THE POOR YOUNG TRUSTING MAN in this video report: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/661.html
In the development and manufacture of commercial vaccines it is understood from the very beginning that some of these contaminant mycoplasma WILL contaminate the vaccine products. But, it is a huge cost to test for and cleanse the vaccine products for safe usage for ALL human beings and so the industry is prepared to sacrifice the less biologically healthy children and adults at the altar of the primitive jungle law, “survival of the fittest”. It is for us to know and then to protect our vulnerable children (as well as adults) in this most callous of worlds which holds profit above God - because money is their god.
The medical practitioners must have the intellectual humility to understand that they themselves are not involved in a purely technical field but in a subjective field of human diagnosis and in the application of subjective treatments which may or may not be successful for any particular individual because of the infinite variance inherent within any human population. Clearly therefore the correct thing to do for the medical practitioner is to be very cautious of the technical people they rely upon for their medicinal products.
For a non-profit and philanthropic institution like the Aga Khan University and Hospital, the simplest and wisest thing to do for our children is to recognize that THEIR IMMUNITY SYSTEMS ARE NOT FULLY DEVELOPED AT A TENDER AGE and therefore certain vaccines are to be delayed; and again we must reduce the number of vaccines to be given within a certain time interval. IS THIS ASKING TOO MUCH OR IS IT BEYOND OUR ABILITY TO DEVISE SUCH A METHODOLOGY after hearing the words of the world’s foremost scientist in molecular medicine that a vaccine manufacturer himself had once unwittingly admitted to him in private that they are unwilling to spend on cleansing the commercial vaccines of contaminant mycoplasma because of the costs involved?
Salim e-a Ebrahim
03 July 2009
To: The Zeitgeist Movement.
03 July 2009
To: The Zeitgeist Movement.
Dear friends:
I have taken the time and the trouble to read the book and view the video on the Zeitgeist Movement.
There is a serious FAULT in your theory and it is this:
It is not a matter of SIMPLY 'nature or nurture' when it comes to understanding the nature of human will - or willfulness - but the human being's own hazy and even fearsome areas of the human mind: its needs, wants, desires, greed, jealousy, anger, revenge, power, status, pride, arrogance, intolerance, rigidity, tyranny, violence and battering, cruelty, sadism and masochism, lying, cheating, hypocrisy.
You cannot remove any of the above items in the list of HUMAN VICES inherent - inherent in humans not genetically, not culturally, not psychologically, not educationally, not spiritually but inherent by the simple fact of BEING human - by eliminating the monetary economic system with its 'profit motive' (which in and of itself is an IMPOSSIBLE endeavor in light of the human mind) but by ethics and ethical reasoning in pursuing the idea of your "ONE WORLD".
Without putting due emphasis on ethics, morals and values you have reduced your thesis to an idealist's impractical dreaming.
I should like to help you but you have to FIRST answer the question:
"Where will you go to search for and list the common human values that all humanity will abide by in your ONE WORLD?"
Then after that you need to draft out a common human charter (you may wish to refer to the UN charter to ensure comprehensiveness in yours) for all humanity.
And after that you need to devise a method or create a power yourself with which to unilaterally confront the power of the militarized nations with the veto power in the UN Security Council. You should not forget what happened to the Falun Gong movement when the Chinese elite felt their power threatened by this huge mass of people peacefully claiming their right to be heard.
And after that you must create a common UNIVERSAL currency for international exchange in which all countries can participate on the basis of their own unique heritage of natural resources.
And all the while you must guard against the workings of national terrorist organizations like the CIA, the Mossad, the RAW, the ISI, the MI5, etc. etc. ad infinitum i.e. the secret services of ALL nations who can eliminate anyone and anybody in the world with their hired guns if these individuals are perceived as endangering their "national interests".
After that one can think about YOUR DREAM WORLD of cyber-automation and a 'world without property' living for the common good in altruistic cheerfulness.
Hi-ho (yawn) back to bed I go. To sleep off this damned headache I got while writing out this homily.
Kind regards,
Salim e-a Ebrahim
01 July 2009
"We may yet set the world right" - Aga Khan
The Aga Khan after 50 years: We may yet set the world right
Don Cayo, Vancouver Sun
TORONTO - Despite the West's "big, big, big failure" in Iraq and continuing conflict in much of Afghanistan, the Aga Khan says the world has made great strides against mass poverty, and he now sees real prospects for new bridges between Muslim states and the West.
Such optimism was recurrent during an hour-long exclusive interview with The Vancouver Sun on Sunday. The Aga Khan was here on the second stop of a four-city tour of