20 November 2009

The AIDS Vaccination Disinformation Borders on the Criminal

Summarized Newsitem: BANGKOK, Sept 24, 2009, AP: For the first time, an experimental vaccine has prevented infection with the AIDS virus, a watershed event in the deadly epidemic and a surprising result.

The study tested the combo (vaccines) in HIV-negative Thai men and women aged 18 to 30 at average risk of becoming infected. Half received four “priming” doses of ALVAC and two “boost” doses of AIDSVAX over six months. The others received dummy shots. No one knew who got what until the study ended.

The results: New infections occurred in 51 of the 8,197 given vaccine and in 74 of the 8,198 who received dummy shots. That worked out to a 31 percent lower risk of infection for the vaccine group.


Big Pharma’s MISLEADING calculation of lowered risk: (74 – 51=23)/74 = 31.08%.

Correctly Calculating Lowered Risk.

Ratio of HIV+/HIV- (in un-vaccinated HIV- group) = 74/8198 = 0.902% i.e. only 0.902% of the population tested HIV+.

Ratio of HIV+/HIV- (in vaccinated group) = 51/8197 = 0.622% i.e. 0.622% of the population tested HIV+ IN SPITE OF THE VACCINATIONS.
Lowered risk is the difference between the two ratios i.e. 0.902% - 0.622% = 0.28%.

So, the risk was not lowered by “more than 31 per cent” as stated in the article above but it was lowered by the difference between the two ratios which took into consideration the magnitude (size) of the sample populations involved. Thus, only a mere 0.28% in a population of 8197 benefited from the vaccination program.
Or consider a second method of approaching the analysis:

Of those who did NOT receive the vaccination program in the placebo population of 8198 people only 74 persons tested HIV+ve. Therefore 8198 – 74 = 8124 i.e. 99.10% of the people already had sufficient IMMUNITY to the HIV virus/viruses.

Of the 74 persons or 0.90% (100% - 99.10% = 0.90%) of the sample population who did not have sufficient immunity against the HIV viruses, 23 (74 – 51=23) persons benefited from the vaccination program. This is indeed 23/74 = 31.08% lowered risk BUT IT IS SO ONLY IN A MINISCULE 0.90% of the sample population of 8198 i.e. 0.3108 x 0.90% = 0.28% of the sample population.
Thus, for any RANDOM population it is not a lowered risk of 31.08% but only a lowered risk of a mere 0.28% PLUS AN UNKNOWN MARGIN OF ERROR.
BUT 0.28% IS FAR, FAR, FAR LESS THAN THE MARGIN OF ERROR of this study! The designers of the study ignore completely the colossal magnitude of the error parameters arising from the variety of responses in a human population with each person being part of an infinite variation in genetic expression in their body processes and therefore giving rise to an infinite variation in their immune responses to vaccines.
TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY the researchers could never have had the absolute knowledge of the EXISTING VARIATION in the physical health of the individuals in the sample population AT THE TIME OF VACCINATING THEM so that there would have been AGAIN another broad spectrum in their immune responses to the vaccine program.

Salim e-a Ebrahim

13 November 2009

Global Center for Pluralism in Ottawa, Canada

One day a human mind thought, "I shall build a temple to the God of Pluralism: an ethic, a value, a principle, a quality, a standard, so that man may come to recognize that such a God but does exist."
How audacious!
So, the first such temple ever to be built in the history of humankind to honor and to pursue this elusive Deity now exists in Ottawa the capital city of Canada.

It will become a place of worship for the great and the powerful as well as for the humble and the persevering of this world because Pluralism is the ability to look at the other and say, I would have been him but for Him.