03 July 2009

To: The Zeitgeist Movement.

03 July 2009

To: The Zeitgeist Movement.

Dear friends:

I have taken the time and the trouble to read the book and view the video on the Zeitgeist Movement.

There is a serious FAULT in your theory and it is this:

It is not a matter of SIMPLY 'nature or nurture' when it comes to understanding the nature of human will - or willfulness - but the human being's own hazy and even fearsome areas of the human mind: its needs, wants, desires, greed, jealousy, anger, revenge, power, status, pride, arrogance, intolerance, rigidity, tyranny, violence and battering, cruelty, sadism and masochism, lying, cheating, hypocrisy.

You cannot remove any of the above items in the list of HUMAN VICES inherent - inherent in humans not genetically, not culturally, not psychologically, not educationally, not spiritually but inherent by the simple fact of BEING human - by eliminating the monetary economic system with its 'profit motive' (which in and of itself is an IMPOSSIBLE endeavor in light of the human mind) but by ethics and ethical reasoning in pursuing the idea of your "ONE WORLD".

Without putting due emphasis on ethics, morals and values you have reduced your thesis to an idealist's impractical dreaming.

I should like to help you but you have to FIRST answer the question:

"Where will you go to search for and list the common human values that all humanity will abide by in your ONE WORLD?"

Then after that you need to draft out a common human charter (you may wish to refer to the UN charter to ensure comprehensiveness in yours) for all humanity.

And after that you need to devise a method or create a power yourself with which to unilaterally confront the power of the militarized nations with the veto power in the UN Security Council. You should not forget what happened to the Falun Gong movement when the Chinese elite felt their power threatened by this huge mass of people peacefully claiming their right to be heard.

And after that you must create a common UNIVERSAL currency for international exchange in which all countries can participate on the basis of their own unique heritage of natural resources.

And all the while you must guard against the workings of national terrorist organizations like the CIA, the Mossad, the RAW, the ISI, the MI5, etc. etc. ad infinitum i.e. the secret services of ALL nations who can eliminate anyone and anybody in the world with their hired guns if these individuals are perceived as endangering their "national interests".

After that one can think about YOUR DREAM WORLD of cyber-automation and a 'world without property' living for the common good in altruistic cheerfulness.

Hi-ho (yawn) back to bed I go. To sleep off this damned headache I got while writing out this homily.

Kind regards,

Salim e-a Ebrahim

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